For the most common questions that our customers ask us, and to avoid unnecessary calls to our customer support teams why not check out Frequently Asked Questions below.

  • What time does the performance start?
    Our performances start at 7.30pm nightly with a matinee on the Saturday at 2.30pm.
  • What age is the performance aged at?
    It’s a family pantomime, it is suitable for all ages.
  • What is the venue full address and postal code?

    Civic Hall High St, Totnes TQ9 5SF
  • Parking?
    There is a limited amount of on street parking, however there are some pay and display car parks nearby (5-10 minuet walk)

ParkingClick Here to Download the Parking Map

  • Is there a bar?
    A Bar is available nightly where drinks and light refreshments will be made available to purchase, before the show, during the interval and after the performance.
  • Can we order interval drinks?
    Visit the bar before the performance and speak to a member of the team about ordering an interval drink.
  • Will Ice-Cream be on sale?
    As always, we will have Ice-Cream on sale within the auditorium during the interval. We will have a selection of flavors available.
  • Can I book on the door?
    We do not advise you book on the door, as we cannot guarantee entry. To ensure entry to a performance you can book online 24 hours a day, 7 days www.taods.com/tickets or call our Sales Line on: 01803 423168 (Option 1) who will be happy to help.
  • Is there disabled access?
    Disabled access is available at the venue, and wheelchair spaces should be pre-booked via our online booking form, or by telephoning our sales line on: 01803 423168.
  • What time does it finish?
    The performance should finish around 10pm.
  • Special Effects?
    Special Effects will be used during performances. For further information please contact our Technical Team on: 01803 423168 (Option 2)
  • I’d like to help TAODS, can you send me more information?
    We are always looking for more help, if this is FOH, Backstage, or just making the tea – Let us know. You first need to become a member to do this go to our webpage: www.taods.com/membership